Course Categories:
Audits & Investigations Courses
The New Entrant Safety Audit workshop is a comprehensive 3-day course that focuses on the audit process and software programs specific to the Safety Audit program. The course is designed with the assumption students have completed the Investigative Safety Analysis and roadside courses.
Continuous Learning Points Awarded:
24 Hours
Target Audience:
Federal and State MCSAP personnel responsible for conducting Safety Audits.
Course Number:
Investigative 131
Prerequisites for Attendance:
Successful completion of Investigative Safety Analysis, North American Standards Part A, North American Standards Part B and General Hazardous Materials courses. Working knowledge of computer software/hardware. Host agencies shall provide students with (or require students to bring) the most current version of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and Hazardous Materials Regulations.
Required Courses:
To complete a quality safety audit in accordance with the FMCSR and HMR while applying the standards of the Field Operations Training Manual.