North American Standard - Part B

Course Materials

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Class Date Location
03/03/2025 to 03/07/2025
2600 Park Tower Dr
Vienna, VA 22180
United States
04/14/2025 to 04/18/2025
491 North John Glenn Road
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
United States
Course Categories: 
Roadside Courses

This course is designed to provide Federal, State MCSAP, and local law enforcement personnel with the basic knowledge, skills, practices, and procedures necessary for performing vehicle inspections under the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program. Referred to as North American Standard Inspections, the course will focus on understanding federal regulations and applying them during a safety inspection of commercial motor vehicles.

Continuous Learning Points Awarded: 
40 Hours
Target Audience: 
Federal law enforcement personnel responsible for conducting commercial motor vehicle inspections.
Course Number: 
Roadside 120
Prerequisites for Attendance: 
Host Agencies shall provide students with (or require students to bring) the most current version of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations with interpretations.
This course will instruct participants how to conduct a complete North American Standard vehicle inspection in accordance with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and the North American Standard Inspection Procedure, incorporating knowledge that was obtained during the NAS Part A course. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to perform a thorough examination of a commercial motor vehicle.


Ben Werner
Curriculum Manager, National Training Center
(703) 235-0501
8:00am-5:00pm ET, M-F
12600 Park Tower Drive
Suite 500
Vienna, VA 22180